Leonids 2021-2030

encounters with trails
trailyearrD-rEVejfM(fMD)sol.long.Max. timeZHRexReliability
1814330.00081-17.78-0.002234.04316.11.2021 11:5310
1316000.00481-18.77-0.051234.96617.11.2021 9:5310
718000.00513-19.110.032238.61421.11.2021 10:3812
traditional maximum
sol.long.Max. timeZHRexIntensity
234.95117.11.2021 9:30100

In 2021 a weak traditional maximum is expected. At 9 UT 17 November activity will rise to 10 meteors on ZHR scale. No other outbursts are found.

encounters with trails
trailyearrD-rEVejfM(fMD)sol.long.Max. timeZHRexReliability
1415670.00044-16.120.004233.64316.11.2022 8:3130
141567-0.00007-15.90-0.003233.67316.11.2022 9:1430
1515330.00258-18.03-0.018233.67316.11.2022 9:4020
91733-0.00233-24.84-0.082236.45019.11.2022 3:2181
91733-0.00142-23.360.027236.53119.11.2022 5:1691
91733-0.00102-22.934.262236.55919.11.2022 5:5623571
91733-0.00096-22.874.334236.56519.11.2022 6:0425931
817670.00421-15.510.033238.50321.11.2022 4:0911
71800-0.00061-18.590.024238.97121.11.2022 15:17662
traditional maximum
sol.long.Max. timeZHRexIntensity
234.95117.11.2022 15:3910-151

In 2022 a moderate traditional maximum is expected. At 16 UT 17 November activity will rise to 10-15 meteors on ZHR scale. Also, a strong outburst from 1733 trail is possible. At 6 UT 19 November activity can reach 250-300 meteors on ZHR scale, brightness will be much higher than average level. Another small enhancement to 5-10 meteors on ZHR can occur at 15 UT 21 November due to 1800 trail. Meteor brightness will be again much higher than average level.

encounters with trails
trailyearrD-rEVejfM(fMD)sol.long.Max. timeZHRexReliability
917330.00248-16.210.004237.50120.11.2023 10:3011
917330.00225-15.740.003237.61120.11.2023 13:0711
917330.00207-14.630.006237.79920.11.2023 17:3411
917330.00193-14.65-0.052237.80020.11.2023 17:36141
917330.00193-14.570.006237.81320.11.2023 17:5521
81767-0.00054-14.960.034238.56421.11.2023 11:451041
71800-0.00536-18.230.020238.84821.11.2023 18:3012
traditional maximum
sol.long.Max. timeZHRexIntensity
234.95117.11.2023 21:48151

In 2023 a moderate background maximum is expected. At 22 UT 17 November activity will rise to 15 meteors on ZHR scale. Also, at 12 UT 21 November a little increase from 1767 trail is possible. Activity will rise to 10-15 meteors on ZHR scale. Brightness will be much higher than average level.

encounters with trails
trailyearrD-rEVejfM(fMD)sol.long.Max. timeZHRexReliability
1515330.00275-19.07-0.007235.19017.11.2024 9:4010
1515330.00245-19.090.011235.19217.11.2024 9:4210
91733-0.00171-14.500.004237.76919.11.2024 23:0121
91733-0.00183-14.38-0.036237.77819.11.2024 23:14111
91733-0.00210-14.000.088237.81620.11.2024 0:08181
81767-0.00553-14.410.027238.22720.11.2024 9:5411
traditional maximum
sol.long.Max. timeZHRexIntensity
234.95117.11.2024 3:5815-202

In 2024 a quite strong traditional maximum is expected. At 4 UT 17 November activity will rise to 15-20 meteors on ZHR scale. No other significant outbursts are found.

encounters with trails
trailyearrD-rEVejfM(fMD)sol.long.Max. timeZHRexReliability
1515330.00216-19.28-0.029235.06117.11.2025 12:4440
101699-0.00182-22.010.229235.30117.11.2025 18:27511
101699-0.00174-21.92-0.359235.30117.11.2025 18:27871
1016990.00015-19.540.060235.32717.11.2025 19:05881
1016990.00020-19.42-0.165235.33417.11.2025 19:152471
101699-0.00108-18.180.001235.39117.11.2025 20:3611
101699-0.00062-17.31-0.423235.47317.11.2025 22:335851
518660.00325-27.64-0.020235.74118.11.2025 4:5511
101699-0.00073-13.980.001235.79718.11.2025 6:1521
101699-0.00097-13.630.001235.79918.11.2025 6:1811
101699-0.00057-13.69-0.001235.81818.11.2025 6:4621
518660.00393-25.980.536235.87118.11.2025 8:01171
41899-0.00147-31.570.322236.40118.11.2025 20:38351
61833-0.00446-25.590.118236.71019.11.2025 3:5931
61833-0.00211-26.27-0.009236.93719.11.2025 9:2411
31932-0.00244-39.420.104237.09219.11.2025 13:0411
traditional maximum
sol.long.Max. timeZHRexIntensity
234.95117.11.2025 10:0710-151

In 2025 a quite weak traditional maximum is expected. At 10 UT 17 November activity will rise to 10-15 meteors on ZHR scale. Also, from 19 to 23 UT 17 November an outburst from 1699 trail is possible. Activity will reach 60-90 meteors on ZHR, brightness will be much higher than average level.

encounters with trails
trailyearrD-rEVejfM(fMD)sol.long.Max. timeZHRexReliability
trailyearrD-rEVejfM(fMD)sol.long.Max. timeZHRexНадежность
151533-0.00113-17.83-0.010234.70917.11.2026 10:3030
1614990.00136-10.56-0.005235.53418.11.2026 6:0910
101699-0.00244-9.660.009236.33419.11.2026 1:1112
101699-0.00242-9.190.026236.38919.11.2026 2:2922
101699-0.00241-9.23-0.089236.40319.11.2026 2:5072
61833-0.00453-20.040.233236.93819.11.2026 15:3392
61833-0.00398-19.38-0.019236.97219.11.2026 16:2212
1316000.00174-6.250.027237.02819.11.2026 17:4221
51866-0.00540-20.570.110237.20119.11.2026 21:4932
71800-0.00563-14.830.098237.30320.11.2026 0:1422
91733-0.00648-11.150.069237.36120.11.2026 1:3711
81767-0.00577-12.290.071237.41120.11.2026 2:4911
traditional maximum
sol.long.Max. timeZHRexIntensity
234.95117.11.2026 16:16151

In 2026 a moderate traditional maximum is expected. At 16 UT 17 November activity will rise to 15 meteors on ZHR scale. No other significant outbursts are found.

encounters with trails
trailyearrD-rEVejfM(fMD)sol.long.Max. timeZHRexReliability
1515330.00108-8.150.004235.78518.11.2027 18:1211
161499-0.00124-7.480.007235.98718.11.2027 23:0611
161499-0.00093-7.26-0.002236.03219.11.2027 0:0911
1614990.0071-6.620.007236.19619.11.2027 4:0431
1614990.0084-6.63-0.002236.22119.11.2027 4:3911
1415670.0179-4.28-0.021236.58119.11.2027 13:1311
1415670.0238-4.33-0.079236.61219.11.2027 13:5711
131600-0.00062-5.01-0.007236.97719.11.2027 22:3841
131600-0.00044-5.080.006237.00219.11.2027 23:1561
261167-0.000265.590.053237.20820.11.2027 4:09170
261167-0.000295.58-0.063237.21820.11.2027 4:22200
2611670.000485.530.019237.22020.11.2027 4:2550
131600-0.00090-9.500.018237.45320.11.2027 9:58101
traditional maximum
sol.long.Max. timeZHRexIntensity
234.95117.11.2027 22:2540-503

In 2027 a strong background maximum is expected and due to closing comet 55P activity will rise to 40-50 meteors on ZHR scale at 22 UT 17 November. Also, at 4 UT 20 November an outburst from 1167 trail is possible. Activity will rise to 40-50 meteors on ZHR scale, brightness will be notably above average.

encounters with trails
trailyearrD-rEVejfM(fMD)sol.long.Max. timeZHRexReliability
151533-0.00224-4.65-0.089236.41618.11.2028 15:2721
2512010.001085.830.030236.39718.11.2028 15:0031
151533-0.00232-4.480.131236.44818.11.2028 16:1321
221300-0.000353.49-0.006237.33419.11.2028 13:1731
traditional maximum
sol.long.Max. timeZHRexIntensity
234.95117.11.2028 4:3430-401

In 2028 a moderage background maximum is expected, but considering closing comet 55P, activity at 5 UT 17 November can rise to 30-40 meteors on ZHR scale. No other outbursts are found.

encounters with trails
trailyearrD-rEVejfM(fMD)sol.long.Max. timeZHRexReliability
11998-0.00698-32.971.042235.67818.11.2029 4:0331
2611670.000025.07-0.007236.70719.11.2029 4:3131
traditional maximum
sol.long.Max. timeZHRexIntensity
234.95117.11.2029 10:4430-401

In 2028 a background maximum somewhat lower than usual is expected, but considering closing comet 55P, activity at 11 UT 17 November can rise to 30-40 meteors on ZHR scale. No other outbursts are found.

encounters with trails
trailyearrD-rEVejfM(fMD)sol.long.Max. timeZHRexReliability
not found
traditional maximum
sol.long.Max. timeZHRexIntensity
234.95117.11.2030 16:5315-200

In 2030 a very weak traditional maximum is expected. Only due to close comet 55P optimistic estimation of maximum activity would be 15-20 meteors on ZHR scale, the peak is to occur at 17 UT 17 November. But it's not excluded, that traditional maximum will be very weak even for usual years, lower than 10 meteors on ZHR scale. Outbursts from trails are not found.